Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lacy 2-layer Cloche is done

I have been contemplating several cloche patterns lately, so imagine my surprise when my experiment took on a cloche shape! Molly & Meave were home at a decent hour this afternoon, so even though I made this for Maggie, they modeled it first. I put in on Meave first, and Molly says,"Hey, that looks like a flapper hat!" "Yes, dear child, it is called a cloche." The rest of the conversation had to do with french and bells and that she MIGHT actually wear something like this...

First Meave... (this was actually taken later after Maggie got home because she NEEDED to take one more pic...but it is my favorite...messy face and all. She slapped it on her head just right and stated she was wearing this to school tomorrow. Maggie said she was going to have to fight her for it.)


Those big brown eyes just make me want to eat her up!!! Sometimes I just can't stop hugging and kissing her...and then there is a big sigh right before she says, "Okay Mama, I love you, but you can stop now..."




Just had to cut up for the camera at least once...

Now for the oldest diva...she is so comfortable in front of a camera! I am starting to understand why photographers like doing this...a good model is fun to take pics of!

She has her mass of hair put up, so the hat sits back, but she likes this, too. So far, it is 2 for 2 in the opinion poll.


Finally, the Diva Maggie has arrived home. She is tired, cranky, hungry, irascible...but she likes the hat, believe it or not!

Her blue extensions match! Yes, my 12 year-old has blue extensions...these are on the sparse side now. She really does not ask for much, so when she requested these for her birthday, I gave them to her.


Meave has now demanded one of these for herself. Damn, I was hoping to go off to something else....

There is a bit more about this hat at the end of Knitting...& another experiment .

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